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Update on Tax Season Activities

Hi Everyone,

I’m sure it’s impossible for you not to have heard about the latest warnings and advice from our health system on the Covid-19 virus.  We’re all watching for the latest developments daily.  Just this morning I heard that Ontario has taken even stricter measures and are advising individuals to limit or cease entirely non-essential contact and activities.

I definitely agree with this advice and we are taking measures to do our part in limiting the spread of the virus.  As they say, it’s not about me or most of you, but it’s about those who, if infected, would not fare well at all – seniors, or those with compromised immune systems, or people with co-morbidities like emphysema or breathing difficulties.

So here’s what we are doing at our office now:

  • We are limiting client contact.  All face-to-face meetings have been cancelled or re-scheduled to telephone or online video calls.
  • For the next week or two, I’m advising clients who are ready to have their returns prepared to mail or courier their documents to the office.  If we need to have a conversation about your situation or if there are changes in your return preparation, we’ll set up a call or video meeting.
  • For those of you who prefer electronic documentation, we will be using our Secure Portal system.  This is an online spot where

    you can drop / upload copies of your slips and documents.  Even without the current pandemic, this is a very convenient service that we provide – all your documents will be in one place, along with your finished tax returns so no more searching through emails to see if you’ve sent everything!  If you’re not on the portal yet and would like to be, please advise and we’ll set you up!

And, if you do happen to come to the office to drop off documents, know that we’re keeping the office as clean as possible by disinfecting all surfaces and touchpoints!

As always, if you want to talk about your taxes or if you have other concerns or questions, please feel free to email or call at any time.


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